Messy doesn't mean bad
I heard an audio clip of the ruby on rails creator describing what type of coder he looks for when hiring. He was explaining how he only hires developers whose personal projects contain clean code. According to him this reveals that the coder is passionate about coding and might be a good hire. I disagree with this line of thinking, and here are my thoughts on that subject.
Messy code in personal projects
The way i write personal projects is really fast. The most important thing should be to create a working project as fast as possible. If one of my projects gains large amount of attraction and users, that is the time to review your code and start improving it. You have to accept the fact that most of your projects will never gain any users or attention. Therefore trying to improve a project which nobody will use is a waste of your time. Creating a bunch of them will increase your chances of success.
Shotgun vs rifle philosophy
If you are shooting at a target with a shotgun you have a high change of hitting it. If you use a single shot rifle, the rifle shot might be more powerful but it is much harder to hit with it.
I use the same philosophy with my personal projects. I create a bunch of small messy projects and hope that one of them is successful. If one of them proves to be popular i will start rewriting the code for it. I already made a mistake of dedicating a bunch of time for creating an e-commerce platform. That project went to nowhere, i wont be making the same mistake again.
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