I have been to a few coding interviews while looking for a react job and interviewers always ask the same two questions. They all want me to explain what i like about the react framework and what technology i would like to learn. I feel like explaining my answer here.
What do you enjoy about react?
This is a question which is given at every react job interview. I have a different way of looking at it. React is simply a tool which allows me to build what i want. The interviewer often wants you to be exited about react and talk about how cool it is. To me it's like being exited about a hammer. Yeah you can build some cool stuff with it, but it's about who uses it.
Would you ask a builder why they would use a hammer instead of a mallet with nails? They both share the same characteristics. Isn't the most important thing that the nails get hammered somehow. I look at react the same way. The reason i started to use react was because i needed to use some kind of framework for a project and it was the first one i tried. I don't feel any kind of emotion towards it, it's simply a tool.
What technology would you like to learn?
I feel like this question should be asked differently. The reason why you should be learning new skills is because your old abilities don't let you build what you want. I don't believe in learning for the sake of learning. I wish the interviewers would ask more questions regarding project ideas and what types of projects have you built. I always write down any ideas and carry a notebook full of them. Most of these ideas will probably never get made but maybe one day one of them develops into a million dollar idea.
The intention behind those questions
I know that the purpose of these questions is to see how familiar the applicant is with react and how he exited he is about programming in general. I wish more interviewers would ask questions about previous projects rather than what tools were used to build them. One thing which i have learned that creating projects isn't just about coding. For example marketing is a massive problem for me, i really hope that writing this blog will draw some interest to my projects as well.
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